Strange Weather Within

I woke this morning and could not decide, “Wool sweater and warm boots or blazer and jeans?” I ended up with something in between. And that seems to be how life is, how our winter is this year. One day the wind is whipping, and we are driving through snow squalls to The Berkshires, the next day it is 50 degrees, and all signs of ice and snow are melting down the driveway. So much for skiing every Friday; we hit the slopes when we can find powder!


This is also true for our interior lives, we do not always know which way the wind is blowing because we are so busy, so exhausted, so stressed. When the storms are raging, within and without, we can lose our way, struggling to live from a deeply rooted sense of who we are and how we want to be. But we can decide, “Do I want to calm the tempest within, or not?” We cannot control the weather, but we can listen to our reactions, our thoughts, and our responses, and determine whether this is the person we want to bring to the world.


Take a few moments today, on a Tuesday that feels like a Monday, and notice. What are you saying to yourself? How are you responding to others?

Try kindness. It seems so cliché, but it changes everything. When you are kind, you hold the keys to peace within and peace around you.

“It takes great courage to listen to our thoughts and emotions,

rather than focusing on the world around us because we often live as strangers to ourselves.”

Diane Hallenbeck

Introduction to Rejecting Fear

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