Quiet, Dear Heart

Even when chaos abounds around us, or within us, we must learn to quiet ourselves. This is a challenging endeavor and not for the faint of heart.

I have this unhelpful habit of fainting for little reason; I just black out and down I go. Just last week I was speaking with my Doctor about this, and we could find no conclusive reason, so we decided I should just stop doing that! Easier said than done, and that is how it is with matters of the heart.

We want to be kind, patient, all of that, and so we “decide” to be patient, and then every annoying thing happens to set us off. I cannot determine to be a certain way; I must listen to my emotions and listen to what I am saying to myself when I am under stress. I will need to be aware of my internal conversation and quiet the inner critic. She really must go. But to ask her to leave, I must know who she is and why she berates me constantly.

Take a good look in the mirror. If you are struggling with self-criticism, lack of confidence, you may be listening to the wrong story. Hold your own heart in your hands and ask, “Where have I been hurt? What has been driving this inner critic?” When we can reconcile what we say to ourselves with what is true, we have found our freedom.

If you are interested in learning more, contact me! Or if you want to join me as I launch my book next month, leave a comment below. You will get early access to the content and an opportunity to gain experience unmasking the Inner Critic in a Mindset Reset Bootcamp.

“When you listen to your heart in the quiet of the night,

in the rush of the day, do you hear a serene and peaceful heart?

That is what I want for you.”

Chapter 2 Rejecting Fear

Diane Hallenbeck


High Tide


Uncertainty and Courage