Oh, the Places You’ll Go
Oh, the Places You'll Go!
A friend of mine quoted this to me years ago...I had no idea!
Friday I am going to Munich, Germany with our family to #celebrate us! That is fun... 35 years of knowing Kevin Hallenbeck! Walking with him, #adventures. You know, all of that! #Loveinaction #family, #lifetogether
And then.... off to Bulgaria to give a book tour. Speaking at a conference, speaking in Sofia. My bags are packed and the one thing I am not packing is fear.
#Nomorefear, easy to say, challenging to live it.
If you haven't already, grab a copy of my #book on #amazon, Rejecting Fear, and begin to be #ledbylove.
It takes #courage to pack new things, start a #newjourney.
But you can cultivate the life you want to live!