Desperate Deflecting
This week I had a meeting.
Have you ever had one of those? The other person had an agenda you had no idea about, and you were literally blindsided?
Yep, that is what happened. I am Sandler-trained and in sales (and maybe in life!) a great strategy is called the “up-front contract.”
I wish that had been the case. Instead, emotions swirling, defenses high, I had no idea what hit me!
I had to leave work and just process what had happened. Next time, I think I will set my own upfront contract.
“Exactly what are we discussing today?”
“What is the purpose of this meeting?”
“Can you tell me a little more about what outcome you hope to gain?”
In personal and professional relationships be kind enough to let the other person know what you are hoping for, what they can expect and they will feel less ambushed.
Don’t betray another with a kiss when what you really want is power over them.
But if you do get ambushed, take your power back, feel the hurt and betrayal of it and let it go.
Look for my book, Rejecting Fear! It will be available on Amazon soon.
“We heal our emotions by feeling them.”
Rejecting Fear
pg. 54