A Walk on the Wild Side

Last month we went to Sao Miquel Island in The Azores.

I know, I know, I am spoiled rotten. And I agree. But the trip was a kind of consolation after a very challenging holiday season. I was sick over Christmas and then I fell on the ice and hurt my shoulder. So the month of January I spent recuperating on a couch. The idea of traveling to a warm, beautiful, lush island miles off of Portugal was such a lovely gift to anticipate.

While we were there we walked and walked and walked: on black sand beaches, up to waterfalls, on the rims of Calderas (volcanic craters filled with lush green forests), beside lakes and through all sorts of little towns. It was amazing. Walking has so many benefits!

I found my energy, my balance and a little bit of clarity as well. Here’s what I learned:

~ I need to walk each day to be renewed in mind as well as body and spirit.

~ I found my balance again after weeks of resting. I wasn’t tired and I felt so strong.

~ Walking helped me think through things, clarify my thoughts and listen well..

My husband and daughter were with me, so the conversation was sweet. Hearing them, their laughter and our shared joy, brought me joy. When I am alone I don’t have the benefit of a sounding board, and the stories I make up aren’t always helpful.

I am learning to listen to what I say to myself about myself,. Am I as encouraging to myself as I am to others? Am I as kind? Am I as hopeful? I can choose to create a compassionate internal conversation, and when I do that my walks are so much more enjoyable!

How is your internal conversation? If you need to rewrite the story you tell yourself, the story you a re living, consider joining me for the Rewrite your Story Retreat in April. And go ahead and go out for a walk, even a short one! You will feel stronger, clearer and more balanced with every step.

“Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. “


New year, new you?